A Round Robin is a patchwork and quilting technique that involves making a quilt from blocks, designed and sewn by different people. The project started in October with a feature block made by one group member and placed in a shoebox, which was then passed on to another member who created two other blocks inspired by the feature block, following instructions as to the sizes. Various techniques were suggested – patchwork, applique, foundation piecing, English paper piecing, trapunto, embellishment, shadow quilting etc. People were asked to be as adventurous as possible to make the finished quilt interesting.The process was repeated once a month until all 13 of the blocks had been created. The shoe box was returned to the original person whose job it was to create a quilt, either arranging the blocks according to the instructions or in their own design.

The resulting quilts reflected the different styles and personalities of the participants, and the original owners were surprised and delighted when their shoebox was returned at the great reveal in April.

Either swipe or use the arrows to scroll through a selection of the finished ones –

This Round Robin was courtesy of Vivian Finch and a thank you to Christine Davidson for organising it.