Written by Judy Harris
My first meeting of Beartown Quilters was on 10th September 2024. I set off, not quite knowing what to expect but full of trepidation and excitement. What to wear, what to take and how to get there on time – mustn’t be late for my first meeting! I knew there would be “show and tell” so do I take something and if so what?
Eventually I decided to take a quilt which I made about 5 years ago. I had used fabric from bundles of white sheeting bought from empress mills and I dyed the long strips in a washing up bowl in the bath leaving the solution to soak overnight then line drying and ironing to fix the colours. The fabric was then cut into strips, joined together and chopped into 2 and 1/2”

Two or three people kindly asked what dye I had used and embarrassingly I couldn’t remember. This set me off on a trail of looking through boxes of memories, half finished projects and bundles of things that might just come in useful. Eventually I found a big box of bottles of dye which brought back memories of printing fabric onto a gelli plate. The dye is Vallejo textile color made in Barcelona. Amazing how that quilt and a Beartown meeting might have started me on another dyeing adventure.
Thank you all for welcoming me. I thoroughly enjoyed my first meeting and look forward to many more evenings of good company.